Rebecca Slaven
Rebecca loves to incorporate Reiki Healing and Yoga. She uses her intuition and storytelling gifts to weave breath, movement, and consciousness for a whole self reset. In addition to teaching, Rebecca also offers private sessions full time in Columbia, MD. For more information and how to keep in touch with upcoming events check out her website www.lovelighthealing.org
Emily Plauche
Emily believes it is through this physical, energetic and mental exploration —yoga, that you develop tranquil awareness—the kind of awareness that brings you closer to your body, mind and higher self. Emily is a Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT), Army Veteran, Cajun living and loving life in Arden, West Virginia where she teaches Yoga and also owns EarthSky Private Camp & Retreat on the Tygart Valley River.
Jen Lyons
Believing that yoga is truly a uniting of the mind, body, and higher self, Jen Lyons takes her practice both on and off the mat as a way of life. As a teacher, it is her goal to help guide, strengthen, and deepen the practices of her students, encouraging them to stay true to themselves along the way.Jen will also be offering sessions at the Active Potential Tent. Come check it out. Jen has completed over 1000 hours in Yoga Teacher training. Her studies included specialization in Alignment, Thai yoga, Shamanism and Reiki. Classes with Jen, often include a variety of alignment based asana, pranayama, self massage and guided meditations. Offering a well rounded, connected and obtainable practice.
You can reach Jen at JenLyonsYoga@gmail.com & classes at TheNestMovementStudio.com